c++ - Visual Studio C++ 切换评论?评论而不选择整行?

标签 c++ visual-studio-2010 comments toggle


1) 在选定行上切换评论的快捷方式?在我使用的所有 iDE 上都可用,从 notepad++ 开始

2) ctrl-k, ctrl-c 表现出这种行为(引自某个措辞优美的地方):

C#: Each line where some text is selected is commented at the line-start with double-slash. If nothing is selected, the line where the cursor is is commented.

C++: If nothing is selected or complete lines are selected, it behaves as above. However, if parts of a line are selected, and no comment is selected as part of the selection (ex. select something in the middle of a code line), then the selection is surrounded by /* and */.

由于我使用 C++ 编写代码,我发现这种行为很烦人 - 我希望能够注释掉部分选中的行 - 有什么解决方法吗?



如果选择多行: My solution uncomments only if all the lines in the selection are commented.我发现它更直观。


工具 -> -> 宏 IDE...

Macro Explorer 中右键单击 Macros 并单击 New Macro Project...

为您的宏命名,例如MyMacroProject 并点击添加

宏浏览器中的新宏项目中右键单击Module1 并点击编辑


Option Strict Off
Option Explicit Off
Imports EnvDTE
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Public Module Module1
    Sub ToggleCommentLine()
        Dim sel As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection

        Dim firstLine As Integer = sel.TopPoint.Line
        Dim lastLine As Integer = sel.BottomPoint.Line

        sel.GotoLine(firstLine, True)
        sel.LineDown(True, lastLine - firstLine)

        'we un-comment only if there is no commented line
        Dim allLinesCommented As Boolean = True

        Dim lineIndex As Integer = firstLine
        While allLinesCommented And (lineIndex <= lastLine)
            sel.GotoLine(lineIndex, True)
            allLinesCommented = Regex.IsMatch(sel.Text, "^\s*//.*$")
            lineIndex += 1
        End While

        'iterate over the lines
        For lineIndex = firstLine To lastLine
            sel.GotoLine(lineIndex, True)
            Dim line As String = sel.Text
            Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(line, "^(\s*)(//)(.*)$")
            If allLinesCommented Then
                sel.Text = m.Groups(1).Value & m.Groups(3).Value
            ElseIf Not m.Success Then
                sel.Text = "//"
            End If

        'select all the affected lines
        sel.GotoLine(firstLine, True)
        sel.LineDown(True, lastLine - firstLine)
    End Sub
End Module



工具 -> 选项... -> 环境 -> 键盘

显示包含以下内容的命令中输入: ToggleCommentLine

选择 Macros.MyMacroProject.Module1.ToggleCommentLine。

按快捷键:处设置一个键。 ,然后点击分配,然后点击确定


关于c++ - Visual Studio C++ 切换评论?评论而不选择整行?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4350744/


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