android - context 和 INSTANCE 静态声明的内存泄漏,我该如何改变它?

标签 android performance memory-leaks android-context android-memory

目前在我的代码库中,我有以下类(其中的一部分),它向我显示了 2 条内存泄漏消息“不要将 Android 上下文类放在静态字段中(对 Myclass 的静态引用,它具有指向上下文的字段上下文) ; 这是内存泄漏(并且还会破坏 Instant Run)” 我不确定替代方案是什么。这是 100% 的内存泄漏吗?我在“INSTANCE;”上收到泄漏警告和上下文的“静态”声明。知道如何解决它吗?

public enum Myclass {

    public static final boolean TLS_ENABLED = true;
    private static final String TAG = Myclass.class.getSimpleName();

    private static final String SP = "My_class";

    private static Context context;
       public void init(Context context, String appKey, String appSecret) {
        init(context, null, appKey, appSecret);

     * Initialize class
     * @param context   Application level context.
     * @param apiUrl    API url of backend server
     * @param appKey    Application key
     * @param appSecret Application secret
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If activity instance will be passed as the context
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If application key is empty or null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If application secret is empty or null
    public void init(Context context, String apiUrl, String appKey, String appSecret) {
        if (null == context) { throw new NullPointerException(); }

        if (!(context instanceof Application)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supply my class with application context"); }

//        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(apiUrl)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Api url can't be null or empty string"); }

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(appKey)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("App key can't be null or empty string"); }

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(appSecret)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("App secret can't be null or empty string"); }

        this.apiUrl = apiUrl;
        this.appKey = appKey;
        this.appSecret = appSecret;
        this.sp = context.getSharedPreferences(SP, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        MyClass.context = context;

     * Initializes managers. This method must be called after constructor
     * returns, as the managers during own initialization may use myclass.get()
     * method.
    private void initManagers() {
        accountManager = new AccountManager();
        myclassApi = new MyclassApi(context, apiUrl);
        contactManager = new ContactManager();
        connectionManager = new ConnectionManager();
        meetingListManager = new MeetingListManager();

     * Returns {@link Context} that was passed to
     * {@link myclass#init(Context, String, String)}.
     * @return
    public static Context getContext() {
        return context;

     * Returns {@link SharedPreferences} instance.
     * @return SharedPreferences
    public SharedPreferences getSp() {
        return this.sp;

       public static class Event<T> {
        private State state = State.SUCCESS;
        private Throwable t;
        private T data;
        private String errorMessage;

         * Event state. If event related to network request/response
         * operations - state indicates the physical (not logical)
         * success or fail of request.
        public enum State {
             * Indicates that attempt to get data or perform task successful
             * Indicates that attempt to get data or perform task fails,
             * and reason of fail is the incorrect request data
             * Indicates that attempt to get data or perform task encounter an error
             * mostly due to connection problem
             * Indicates that attempt to get data or perform task was ignored
             * according to internal state of event producer.



将应用程序上下文存储在静态字段中是安全的,您可以简单地调用 context.getApplicationContext() 获取任何上下文引用,然后再将其存储在静态字段中.


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