android - 如果名称不断变化,如何检索 JSON 对象的值

标签 android json

我正在借助 mediawiki api 检索有关某些动物的一些信息 但其中一个对象是根据动物而变化的页面。如何访问页面对象(它包含有关动物的摘录)?


   "warnings":{  },
            "extract":"<p class=\"mw-empty-elt\">\n</p>\n<p>A <b>camel</b> is 
             an even-toed ungulate in the genus <i>Camelus</i> that bears 
             distinctive fatty deposits known as \"humps\" on its back. 
             Camels have long been domesticated and, as livestock, they 
             provide food (milk and meat) and textiles (fiber and felt from 
             hair). As working animals, camels\u2014which are uniquely suited 
             to their desert habitats\u2014are a vital means of transport for 
             passengers and cargo. There are three surviving species of 



  1. 只需在响应时查找响应状态代码,例如:

    onResponse(){ 如果(状态码 == 200){ //--- 现在在这里寻找特定的响应主体 }

  2. 使用 JsonObject 作为 Response Body 的模型,例如:

public void onResponse(Call < JsonObject > call, Response < JsonObject > response) {
  if (response.code() == 200) {
    if (!response.body().toString().isEmpty()) {
     // ----- Now Here You can Extract the JsonObject Field you are looking for
     // --- Example :
     JsonObject object = response.body();
     String target = object.get("field_name);
    } else {
      // Empty Response
  } else {
    // Failure or whatever

您如何获得此响应? Retrofit、Volley、OkHttp??


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