android - http删除tomcat 403错误

标签 android http http-delete

我试图从我的 android 应用程序中删除存储在 tomcat 的 webapps 目录中的图像。当我尝试下面的代码时,它给了我 403 状态代码。我在网上查了一下,发现如果请求合法但操作被禁止,它会给出该代码。谁能告诉我哪里出错了。我的代码是:

HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();

当我尝试使用 HttpClient 时,它给了我同样的错误 - HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
                  try {
                            "http.socket.timeout", new Integer(90000));
                    HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(new URI(
                                    + userid));
                    Toast.makeText(Image.this, "Removing your picture", 5000).show();
                    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(delete);
                    if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                    } else {
                        // Here every thing is fine.
                    HttpEntity resEntity = response.getEntity();
                    if (resEntity == null)
                                .println("---------Error No Response !!!-----");
                }catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.out.println("---------Error----"+ ex.getMessage());
                } finally {



在 web.xml 中,启用其他 http 方法:




     debug               Debugging detail level for messages logged     
                         by this servlet.  [0]                          

     fileEncoding        Encoding to be used to read static resources   
                         [platform default]                             

     input               Input buffer size (in bytes) when reading      
                         resources to be served.  [2048]                

     listings            Should directory listings be produced if there 
                         is no welcome file in this directory?  [false] 
                         WARNING: Listings for directories with many    
                         entries can be slow and may consume            
                         significant proportions of server resources.   

     output              Output buffer size (in bytes) when writing     
                         resources to be served.  [2048]                

     readonly            Is this context "read only", so HTTP           
                         commands like PUT and DELETE are               
                         rejected?  [true]                              

     readmeFile          File to display together with the directory    
                         contents. [null]                               

     sendfileSize        If the connector used supports sendfile, this  
                         represents the minimal file size in KB for     
                         which sendfile will be used. Use a negative    
                         value to always disable sendfile.  [48]        

     useAcceptRanges     Should the Accept-Ranges header be included    
                         in responses where appropriate? [true]         

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