android - 循环中的多个膨胀 View

标签 android listview view inflate

我想显示多个 ListView View ,每个 View 在 LinearLayout 中都有相应的标题。

我有一个 LinearLayout,我膨胀一个 View 以填充标题和 ListView,然后将该 View 循环添加到 LinearLayout,但只出现一个标题和列表(第一个)。

我希望包含标题和 ListView 的 View 出现的次数与 for 循环重复的次数一样多。


    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//fragment_history: a layout with a LinearLayout inside called "main"

      View fragmentHistory = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_history, container, false);

//I want to show a date, and all the transactions accomplished that date. With this two arrays, I pretend to loop by day, show the date as title and show the transactions of that day in the listview.

        allExpenses = dataExpenses.getAllExpenses();
        allDatesExpenses = dataExpenses.getAllDates();

// The LinearLayout inside the fragmentHistory layout 

        LinearLayout mainLayout = (LinearLayout) fragmentHistory.findViewById(;       
        LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) this.context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

// I made a for loop, and I have two different dates. Two transactions in the first date, and one in the second day. But only the two transactions are been shown.

        for(int x = 0, y = allDatesExpenses.size(); x < y; x++){

            View view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.layout_title, null);        

            Expense expense = allDatesExpenses.get(x);

            TextView text = Font.useHandelGotic(this.context, (TextView) view.findViewById( ;

            ListView listview = (ListView) view.findViewById(;

            ArrayList<Expense> expensesByDate = (ArrayList<Expense>) dataExpenses.getExpensesByDate(expense.getDateExpense());
            listview.setAdapter(new AdapterTransaction(this.context, expensesByDate));


        return fragmentHistory;


根据您提供的信息,我猜您的 LinearLayout 设置为水平(默认),因此您的所有标题/ ListView 实际上都已添加,但您看不到他们因为他们不在身边。通过添加


到您的 LinearLayout XML 标记。

如果这不是问题,请发布相关的 XML 布局。

关于android - 循环中的多个膨胀 View ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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