c++ - 如何等待 fork() 调用的所有子进程完成?

标签 c++ linux gcc parallel-processing

我正在 fork 多个进程,我想测量完成整个任务需要多长时间,即所有 fork 的进程都完成的时间。请告知如何使父进程等到所有子进程终止?我想确保在正确的时刻停止计时器。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

using namespace std;

struct timeval first,  second,  lapsed;
struct timezone tzp; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[])// query, file, num. of processes.

    int pCount = 5; // process count

    gettimeofday (&first, &tzp); //start time

    pid_t* pID = new pid_t[pCount];

    for(int indexOfProcess=0; indexOfProcess<pCount; indexOfProcess++)
        pID[indexOfProcess]= fork();

        if (pID[indexOfProcess] == 0)                // child
            // code only executed by child process

            // magic here

            // The End
        else if (pID[indexOfProcess] < 0)    // failed to fork
            cerr << "Failed to fork" << endl;
        else                         // parent
            // if(indexOfProcess==pCount-1) and a loop with waitpid??

            gettimeofday (&second, &tzp); //stop time
            if (first.tv_usec > second.tv_usec)
                second.tv_usec += 1000000;

            lapsed.tv_usec = second.tv_usec - first.tv_usec;
            lapsed.tv_sec = second.tv_sec - first.tv_sec; 

            cout << "Job performed in " <<lapsed.tv_sec << " sec and " << lapsed.tv_usec    << " usec"<< endl << endl;





我会将 "else//parent"行之后的所有内容移到 for 循环之外。在 fork 循环之后,使用 waitpid 执行另一个 for 循环,然后停止时钟并执行其余操作:

for (int i = 0; i < pidCount; ++i) {
    int status;
    while (-1 == waitpid(pids[i], &status, 0));
    if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
        cerr << "Process " << i << " (pid " << pids[i] << ") failed" << endl;

gettimeofday (&second, &tzp); //stop time

我假设如果子进程未能正常退出,状态为 0,那么它没有完成它的工作,因此测试未能产生有效的计时数据。显然,如果子进程应该被信号杀死,或者退出非 0 返回状态,那么你必须相应地更改错误检查。


while (true) {
    int status;
    pid_t done = wait(&status);
    if (done == -1) {
        if (errno == ECHILD) break; // no more child processes
    } else {
        if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
            cerr << "pid " << done << " failed" << endl;

这个并没有告诉你顺序是哪个进程失败了,但如果你关心的话,你可以添加代码在 pids 数组中查找它并取回索引。

关于c++ - 如何等待 fork() 调用的所有子进程完成?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/279729/


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