html - CSS 仅在父 div 内清除

标签 html css


  <div style="float:left; width:220px; height:300px; border: 1px solid #aaa">
  Left div <br>float:left <br> fixed width 220px

    Right div. <br>No styles<br> Takes remaning width <br><br>
    There are some small blocks (one - four) with "float:left"

  <div class="small">

   <div id='bottom_div1'>Some content which needs to appear below small blocks</div>
   <div id='bottom_div2'>Some content at the bottom, which needs to appear below small blocks</div>



工作 fiddle here

我需要 div bottom_div1 和 bottom_div2 中的内容出现在小块(“一”-“四”)行下方的右侧 div 中。 但是,对于“clear:both”,它出现在左侧 div 下方,而对于“clear:none”,它出现在小块的右侧。任何帮助将不胜感激!


只需将overflow: hidden添加到小div的容器即可。


overflow: hidden(以及可见以外的值)创建一个“block formatting context”,因此所有 float 的 div 现在都包含在里面并且 float 不再影响流。

.small div {float:left; padding:10px; border: 1px solid #aaa}
.small {overflow: hidden}
    <div style="float:left; width:220px; height:300px; border: 1px solid #aaa">
        Left div <br>float:left <br> fixed width 220px

        <div>Right div. <br>No styles<br> Takes remaning width <br><br> There are some small blocks (one - four) with "float:left"</div>

    <div class="small">

    <div id='inner-footer'>
        <div id='bottom_div1'>Some content at the bottom, which needs to appear below small blocks</div>
        <div id='bottom_div2'>Some content at the bottom, which needs to appear below small blocks</div>

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