css - 不工作的 CSS 选择器

标签 css list selector children

我的脑袋快要爆炸了。请检查这个 fiddle :


section ul li {
    text-decoration: underline;

section ul li ul li {
    text-decoration: none !important;

基本上我有一个无序列表,里面还有另一个。我只是想删除 child ul 上的文字装饰。无论出于何种原因,它都不想工作。我是不是很傻?


根据 MDN :

Text decorations draw across descendant elements. This means that it is not possible to disable on a descendant a text decoration that is specified on one of its ancestors.

For example, in the markup: <p>This text has <em>some emphasized words</em> in it.</p> the style rule:p { text-decoration: underline } would cause the entire paragraph to be underlined. However, the style rule: em { text-decoration: none } would not cause any change; the entire paragraph would still be underlined. (However, the rule em { text-decoration: overline } would cause a second decoration to appear on "some emphasized words".)

关于css - 不工作的 CSS 选择器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20228940/


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