CSS 性能 : descendent or two direct descendent selectors best?

标签 css performance css-selectors

给定以下 HTML:

    <a ...


ul > li > a {
  color: black
ul a {
  color: black


The most fundamental concept to learn is this rule filtering. The categories exist in order to filter out irrelevant rules (so the style system doesn’t waste time trying to match them).

For example, if an element has an ID, then only ID rules that match the element’s ID will be checked. Only Class Rules for a class found on the element will be checked. Only tag rules that match the tag will be checked. Universal Rules will always be checked.


The descendant selector is a more expensive selector than a child selector


 ul a {
  color: black

“a”元素必须是“li”元素的子元素; “li”元素必须是“ul”元素的子元素

 ul > li > a {
  color: black

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关于CSS 性能 : descendent or two direct descendent selectors best?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29761324/


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