c++ - 为什么 c++ 指针 * 关联到声明的变量,而不是类型?

标签 c++ pointers language-design declaration

为什么 C++ 被设计成在同一行声明两个 int *s 的正确方法是

int *x, *y;


int* x,y;



为了保持与 C 代码的兼容性,因为 C 就是这样工作的。

Bjarne 提出了一个很好的观点 in his style and technique faq :

The choice between int* p; and int *p; is not about right and wrong, but about style and emphasis. C emphasized expressions; declarations were often considered little more than a necessary evil. C++, on the other hand, has a heavy emphasis on types.

A typical C programmer writes int *p; and explains it *p is what is the int emphasizing syntax, and may point to the C (and C++) declaration grammar to argue for the correctness of the style. Indeed, the * binds to the name p in the grammar.

A typical C++ programmer writes int* p; and explains it p is a pointer to an int emphasizing type. Indeed the type of p is int*. I clearly prefer that emphasis and see it as important for using the more advanced parts of C++ well.

因此,在 C++ 中像 this 这样工作的动机是它在 C 中的工作方式。

它在 C 中工作的动机是,如上所述,C 强调表达式而不是类型。

关于c++ - 为什么 c++ 指针 * 关联到声明的变量,而不是类型?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11032802/


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