javascript - 如何在移动端用CSS和JavaScript实现半圆菜单(子项)?

标签 javascript jquery css geometry submenu


我想用右手浏览移动网页时使用半圆菜单。有人可以教我如何在移动网络上使用 CSS 和 JavaScript 实现半圆菜单(子项)吗?我用 CSS transform:rotateborder-radius 尝试过,但无法成功。

There is a half-circle menu button, this button can open and close menu. When I click the menu button, the main-level will be popped up. Then I click "Main 1", the sub-level (Sub 1-1, Sub 1-2, Sub 1-3) will be popped up.

As just mentioned, When I click "Main 6", the sub-level (Sub 6-1, Sub 6-2, Sub 6-3) will be popped up.


   Main 1
      Sub 1-1
      Sub 1-2
      Sub 1-3
   Main 2
      Sub 2-1
      Sub 2-2
      Sub 2-3
   Main 3
      Sub 3-1
      Sub 3-2
      Sub 3-3
   Main 4
      Sub 4-1
      Sub 4-2
      Sub 4-3
   Main 5
      Sub 5-1
      Sub 5-2
      Sub 5-3
   Main 6
      Sub 6-1
      Sub 6-2
      Sub 6-3


您可以使用 SVG 来做到这一点。当您点击 first-ring按钮或 (Main 1, Main 2...) 它将更新 second-ring 的文本按钮或(Sub 1 1,Sub 2 1 ...),这仅用于演示目的。您可以使用 js 更改 <a xlink:href=""></a> 中的链接而不仅仅是文本。

var firstRing = $('.first-ring');
var secondRing = $('.second-ring');
var siblings = firstRing.siblings('.second-ring');
var open = $('#open'); {

  if (!firstRing.hasClass('show')) {

firstRing.children('g').click(function() {
  var data = $(this).data('url');

  secondRing.children('g').children('a').children('text').each(function() {
    var text = $(this).text().split(' ');
    $(this).text(text[0] + ' ' + data + ' ' + text[2]);
svg {
  position: fixed;
  top: 50%;
  right: 0;
  transform: translateY(-50%);
  font-size: 12px;

g {
  fill: white;
  transition: all 0.3s ease-in;
  cursor: pointer;

text {
  fill: white;

g:not(.first-ring):not(.second-ring):hover {
  opacity: 0.6;

.first-ring, .second-ring {
  opacity: 0;

.show {
  opacity: 1;

.main      {fill: #2B2B2B;}
.one       {fill: #2B2B2B;}
.two       {fill: #373737;}
.three     {fill: #444444;}
.four      {fill: #515151;}
.five      {fill: #5E5E5E;}
.six       {fill: #6A6A6A;}
.sub-one   {fill: #777777;}
.sub-two   {fill: #848484;}
.sub-three {fill: #909090;}
<script src=""></script>

<svg width="400px" height="400px">
  <!-- This is First ring or Menu part-->
  <g id="open">
    <path class="main" d="M395.545,200.03l-0.08-0.12l-0.05,0.12l-22.44,54.17c-7.12-2.97-13.54-7.311-18.909-12.69
		c2.96-7.19,7.31-13.66,12.71-19.07c5.42-5.45,11.899-9.83,19.109-12.82L395.545,200.03z" />
    <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 351.7607 206.0303)" class="st1 st3">MENU</text>

  <!-- This is second-ring -->
  <g class="first-ring">
    <g data-url="1">
      <path class="one" d="M373.095,145.81c-7.21,2.99-13.689,7.37-19.109,12.82l-50.94-50.9c12.06-12.08,26.47-21.82,42.5-28.46
		L373.095,145.81z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.5061 0.8625 -0.8625 0.5061 332.1963 107.73)" class="st1 st3">Main 1</text>
    <g data-url="2">
      <path class="two" d="M353.985,158.63c-5.4,5.41-9.75,11.88-12.71,19.07l-66.58-27.45c6.609-16.02,16.31-30.44,28.35-42.52
		L353.985,158.63z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.8283 0.5603 -0.5603 0.8283 295.585 136.9624)" class="st1 st3">Main 2</text>
    <g data-url="3">
      <path class="three" d="M341.275,177.7c-2.841,6.88-4.4,14.42-4.4,22.33h-72c0-17.63,3.49-34.44,9.82-49.78L341.275,177.7z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.9946 0.1039 -0.1039 0.9946 283.0908 183.2314)" class="st1 st3">Main 3</text>
    <g data-url="4">
      <path class="four" d="M341.315,222.46l-66.53,27.57c-6.391-15.4-9.91-32.29-9.91-50h72
		C336.875,207.97,338.455,215.55,341.315,222.46z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.9891 -0.1475 0.1475 0.9891 283.0898 225.0303)" class="st1 st3">Main4</text>
    <g data-url="5">
      <path class="five" d="M354.065,241.51l-50.841,51c-12.08-12.06-21.8-26.46-28.439-42.479l66.53-27.57
		C344.295,229.64,348.655,236.1,354.065,241.51z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.8627 -0.5057 0.5057 0.8627 299.6768 268.6953)" class="st1 st3">Main 5</text>
    <g data-url="6">
      <path class="six" d="M372.975,254.2l-27.56,66.53c-15.89-6.601-30.2-16.25-42.19-28.221l50.841-51
		C359.435,246.89,365.854,251.23,372.975,254.2z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.6338 -0.7735 0.7735 0.6338 332.1963 300.0664)" class="st1 st3">Main 6</text>

  <!-- This is third-ring or sub part -->
  <g class="second-ring">
      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-one" d="M345.545,79.27c-16.03,6.64-30.44,16.38-42.5,28.46c-12.04,12.08-21.74,26.5-28.35,42.52l-54.061-22.3
		c9.59-23.18,23.66-44.03,41.141-61.47c17.46-17.42,38.319-31.45,61.5-40.99L345.545,79.27z" />
        <text transform="matrix(0.7099 0.7043 -0.7043 0.7099 263.1514 75.9663)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 1</text>

      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-two" d="M274.785,250.03l-54.02,22.399c-9.271-22.29-14.391-46.75-14.391-72.4c0-25.53,5.07-49.87,14.26-72.08
		l54.061,22.3c-6.33,15.34-9.82,32.15-9.82,49.78C264.875,217.74,268.395,234.63,274.785,250.03z" />
        <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 213.585 200.1899)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 2</text>

      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-three" d="M345.415,320.73l-22.28,53.779c-23.01-9.49-43.74-23.41-61.109-40.68c-17.51-17.41-31.631-38.24-41.26-61.4
		l54.02-22.399c6.64,16.02,16.359,30.42,28.439,42.479C315.215,304.48,329.525,314.13,345.415,320.73z" />
        <text transform="matrix(0.7305 -0.6829 0.6829 0.7305 266.9395 328.9912)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 3</text>


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