ruby - 产量 :content doesn't show content_for :content

标签 ruby ruby-on-rails-4 yield content-for

我想我也有同样的问题。 Using multiple yields to insert content

我尝试了解决方案。我试图拥有 <%= yield :content %>在我的 application.html.erb 中并且有 content_for :contentyield在我看来,里面。但它不适用于我的应用程序。您能否详细解释一下我的问题或提供有关我的问题的示例场景?


我最近才开始学习 Rails,所以这对我来说有点困惑。谢谢。

enter image description here


在我的 application.html.erb 中

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <%= stylesheet_link_tag    "application", media: "all" %>
  <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
  <%= csrf_meta_tags %>

    <section id="container" >
        <%= render 'layouts/header' %>
        <%= render 'layouts/sidebar' %>
        <section id="main-content">
            <section class="wrapper">
                <div class="row">
                    <!-- %= yield % -->
                    <%=yield(:content) %>
                </div><!--/row -->
            </section><!--/wrapper -->
        </section><!--/main-content -->
    </section><!--/container -->


<% content_for(:content) do %>
    <%= render 'menu_tables/sidemenu' %>
    <%= yield %>
<% end %>
<%= render template: "layouts/application" %>


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root :to => 'pages#home'
  resources :menu_tables, except: [:show]

然后在menu_tables Controller 下的_sidemenu.html.erb中是链接的代码,因此侧边栏的每个链接都有不同的侧菜单。


可能您需要告诉 Controller 使用布局“菜单”。在链接中,您提供了匹配的 Controller 名称和布局,因此它“神奇地”工作了。 请参阅guides :

2.2.14 Finding Layouts

To find the current layout, Rails first looks for a file in app/views/layouts with the same base name as the controller. For example, rendering actions from the PhotosController class will use app/views/layouts/photos.html.erb (or app/views/layouts/photos.builder). If there is no such controller-specific layout, Rails will use app/views/layouts/application.html.erb or app/views/layouts/application.builder. If there is no .erb layout, Rails will use a .builder layout if one exists. Rails also provides several ways to more precisely assign specific layouts to individual controllers and actions.

(注意:您可以检查日志中使用的布局,查找类似于 Rendered menu_items/index.html.erb inside layouts/application 的行)

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