ruby-on-rails - 如何在 Ruby 中重构长 if/return 语句?

标签 ruby-on-rails ruby refactoring

我经常遇到一堆复杂的 if 语句,Ruby 的清理方法是什么?

(在这个服务对象示例中,一个 foo 有很多条。这是为了将一个条转移到不同的 foo。)

class BarManager
  include FancyErrorLogger

  def self.transfer(bar, new_foo)

    # Is a move needed? Is this line superfluous and a premature optimisation?
    return true if bar.foo_id ==

    # Checks that bar can be moved to new_foo. Many more elsifs in practice, needs refactoring. These examples demonstrate the potential complexity of each step, preventing the use of overly simplistic solutions such as seen here
    if bar.dependency == :do_not_move_me or bar.some_condition == false
      bar.errors.add( :transfer, "This is the bar that can't be moved, it is on street corners moping and singing")
      return false
    elsif new_foo.want_more_bars == false
      bar.errors.add( :transfer, "\"We don't take kindly to your type, bar\" - #{}")
      return false
    elsif ((bar.baz.optional_external_nightmare_status != :unused) || (new_foo.bars.inject(false){|result, element| result = result || element.baz.optional_external_nightmare_status != :unused}))
      bar.errors.add( :transfer, "I have some baz news for you...")
      return false
    elsif bar.yet_another_failure_reason_there_are_many
      bar.errors.add( :transfer, "There are many ways for this to fail, this if statement is somewhat short")
      return false
    elsif bar.stubborn?
      if bar.munching?
        bar.errors.add ( :transfer, "eh, what's up doc" )
        return false
      elsif !bar.following?
        bar.errors.add ( :transfer, "Your carrot is too small and inadequate. No jokes please" )
        return false

    # We made it through the gauntlet, now for the transfer
    cache_old_foo_id = bar.foo_id # we might need this
    bar.foo_id =!

    # If we are using Rails counter caching:
    Foo.decrement_counter(:bars_count, cache_old_foo_id) # we DID need it

    return true

  rescue Exception => e
    fancy_error_log e



第 1 步是从那个长 if 语句中删除重复项。 if 返回一个值(如果没有 if/elsif 匹配则返回 nil),所以你可以这样做

error =
  if bar.dependency == :do_not_move_me or bar.some_condition == false
    "This is the bar that can't be moved, it is on street corners moping and singing"
  elsif new_foo.want_more_bars == false
    "\"We don't take kindly to your type, bar\" - #{}")
  elsif ((bar.baz.optional_external_nightmare_status != :unused) || (new_foo.bars.inject(false){|result, element| result = result || element.baz.optional_external_nightmare_status != :unused})
    "I have some baz news for you..."
  elsif bar.yet_another_failure_reason_there_are_many
    "There are many ways for this to fail, this if statement is somewhat short"
  elsif bar.stubborn?
    if bar.munching?
      "eh, what's up doc"
    elsif !bar.following?
      "Your carrot is too small and inadequate. No jokes please"
if error
  bar.errors.add :transfer, error
  return false

第 2 步是将条件提取到名称易于理解的方法中,这在任何情况下都是一个好主意。将每个条件中的所有内容都移动到它的方法中,甚至是 ! 运算符,并为每个方法提供相同的参数列表。我们稍后会看到原因。

error =
  if bar.unmovable? new_foo
    "This is the bar that can't be moved, it is on street corners moping and singing"
  elsif bar.unwanted? new_foo
    "\"We don't take kindly to your type, bar\" - #{}")
  elsif bar.has_bad_news? new_foo
    "I have some baz news for you..."
  elsif bar.will_fail_for_yet_another_reason? new_foo
    "There are many ways for this to fail, this if statement is somewhat short"
  elsif bar.lure_with_carrot? new_foo # if you don't like the side effects, lure it before the if
    "eh, what's up doc"
  elsif bar.uninterested_in_carrot? new_foo
    "Your carrot is too small and inadequate. No jokes please"
# use error as above

第 3 步是再次删除重复项:

checks = {
  unmovable?: "This is the bar that can't be moved, it is on street corners moping and singing",
  unwanted?: "\"We don't take kindly to your type, bar\" - #{}"),
  has_bad_news?: "I have some baz news for you...",
  will_fail_for_yet_another_reason?: "There are many ways for this to fail, this if statement is somewhat short",
  lure_with_carrot?: "eh, what's up doc",
  uninterested_in_carrot?: "Your carrot is too small and inadequate. No jokes please"
method_name, error = checks.find { |method_name, _| bar.send :method_name, new_foo }
# use error as above

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