objective-c - 如何四舍五入浮点值?

标签 objective-c

Possible Duplicate:
Rounding numbers in Objective-C

在 Objective-c 中如何对浮点值进行四舍五入?



float theFloat = 1.23456;
int rounded = roundf(theFloat); NSLog(@"%d",rounded);
int roundedUp = ceil(theFloat); NSLog(@"%d",roundedUp);
int roundedDown = floor(theFloat); NSLog(@"%d",roundedDown);
// Note: int can be replaced by float

对于特定小数的四舍五入,请参阅 Alex Kazaev 提到的问题。

关于objective-c - 如何四舍五入浮点值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5594116/


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