ruby - 为什么 ruby​​ 代码在我第二次调用 exec 后崩溃/退出?

标签 ruby system-calls

puts "start"
ret1 = exec('pwd')
puts ret1
ret2= exec('hostname')
puts ret2

a = "."
puts a

exec('ls ~')
////code exit from here... not any other output why?
puts a
puts a
puts a

我的这段代码在第二次调用 exec 后退出。这是为什么?

% ruby exec.rb



Kernel#exec 替换当前运行的进程。一旦执行,代码的剩余部分将不会运行。

puts "start"
ret1 = exec('pwd')  # <---- After this, no more remaining code is executed.


puts "start"
ret1 = `pwd`

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