ruby - 如何在 Ruby 中使用 '~' 指定文件路径?

标签 ruby macos


require 'inifile'

# read an existing file
file = IniFile.load('~/.config')
data = file['profile'] # error here

puts data['region']


t.rb:6:in `<main>': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)


file = IniFile.load('/User/demo1/.config')

但我不想对位置进行硬编码。如何将 ~ 解析为 Ruby 中的路径?


对于这种情况,Ruby 有一个方法。是File::expand_path .

Converts a pathname to an absolute pathname. Relative paths are referenced from the current working directory of the process unless dir_string is given, in which case it will be used as the starting point. The given pathname may start with a “~”, which expands to the process owner’s home directory (the environment variable HOME must be set correctly). “~user” expands to the named user’s home directory.

require 'inifile'

# read an existing file
file = IniFile.load(File.expand_path('~/.config'))

关于ruby - 如何在 Ruby 中使用 '~' 指定文件路径?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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