ruby-on-rails - OS X Mavericks 破坏了 rbenv?

标签 ruby-on-rails ruby rbenv

最近,我安装了 OS X Mavericks,它似乎弄乱了我的开发环境。我在运行“rails new first_app”后收到此消息:

Your user account isn't allowed to install to the system Rubygems.
You can cancel this installation and run:

    bundle install --path vendor/bundle

to install the gems into ./vendor/bundle/, or you can enter your password
and install the bundled gems to Rubygems using sudo.

Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching additional metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using rake (10.1.1)
Using i18n (0.6.9)
Using minitest (4.7.5)
Using multi_json (1.9.0)
Using atomic (1.1.15)
Using thread_safe (0.2.0)

Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/build_info/
An error occurred while installing tzinfo (0.3.39), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install tzinfo -v '0.3.39'` succeeds before bundling.


christohersmbp2:hartl christopherspears$ gem install tzinfo -v '0.3.39'
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
    You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.

奇怪的是我确实安装了 rbenv。事实上,在尝试调试这个问题时,我升级了 rbenv:

christohersmbp2:~ christopherspears$ brew update
Already up-to-date.
christohersmbp2:~ christopherspears$ brew upgrade rbenv ruby-build
Warning: A newer Command Line Tools release is available
Update them from Software Update in the App Store.
Error: rbenv-0.4.0 already installed
Error: ruby-build-20140225 already installed

但是,当我尝试从命令行调用 rbenv 时收到此错误消息:

christohersmbp2:hartl christopherspears$ rbenv
-bash: rbenv: command not found
christohersmbp2:~ christopherspears$ rbenv rehash
-bash: rbenv: command not found


christohersmbp2:hartl christopherspears$ echo $PATH

这是我的 .bash_profile 文件中的内容:

# rbenv stuff
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi

奇怪的是,我认为我在我的版本文件夹中使用的是 Ruby 版本:

christohersmbp2:versions christopherspears$ pwd
christohersmbp2:versions christopherspears$ ls
christohersmbp2:versions christopherspears$ ruby -v
ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]



我下载并安装了 Xcode 命令行工具。似乎没有用:

christohersmbp2:~ christopherspears$ rbenv -bash: rbenv: 找不到命令


正如@Christoper Spears 所说,卸载然后重新安装,或者更具体地说:

$ brew uninstall rbenv
$ brew install rbenv

(假设您首先使用 brew 安装它)。

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