ruby - 使用 YARD for Ruby 文档的内部评论?

标签 ruby rdoc yard

我正在将我维护的 ruby​​gem 从 RDoc 切换到 YARD 文档。但是,代码中有一些关键注释只需要保留在代码中,不应出现在文档中。例如:

# SomeClass documentation here.
# CRITICAL comment that should be in the code but not in the documentation,
#          and must be at this particular spot in the code.
# more documentation that follows the critical comment block, but this part 
# should be in the generated documentation
class SomeClass

RDoc 支持 #--#++ 门,但 YARD 不支持。在 YARD 的标记中执行类似操作的语法是什么(如果存在)?


嗯,以最简单、快速和肮脏的形式,解决方案很简单 - 只需使用任何自定义(院子里不知道)标签名称。例如:

# SomeClass documentation here.
# @internal_note CRITICAL
#   comment that should be in the code but not in the documentation,
#   and must be at this particular spot in the code.
# more documentation that follows the critical comment block, but this part 
# should be in the generated documentation

这里唯一的问题是 yard 会在每次出现 @internal_note 时警告您:

[warn]: Unknown tag @internal_note in file ... near line xxx
[warn]: Unknown tag @internal_note in file ... near line yyy


  1. yardoc -q # 问题:也会抑制有用的信息
  2. 您可以创建文件yardinit.rb,内容如下:

    YARD::Tags::Library.define_tag('INTERNAL NOTE', :internal_note)


    yardoc -e './yardinit.rb'
  3. 有一个码插件可以抑制所有未知标签警告

    看起来不太活泼,而且gem install yard-shutup也不行,不过你可以手动安装试试看

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