ruby - 为什么 Puppet 和 Chef 使用 Ruby?

标签 ruby dsl chef-infra puppet


我们都知道 Puppet 和 Chef 是 IT 自动化领域的巨星,它们是用 Ruby 开发的(尽管 Chef 11 服务器是用 Erlang 重写的)。


我想知道为什么 Puppet 和 Chef 都是用 Ruby 写的?有什么好处? Ruby 很好地支持 DSL。 Python 可以做这样的事情吗?


来自 Puppet 的作者 Luke Kanies:

I was a sysadmin by trade and had mostly developed in perl, but when I tried to write the prototype I had in mind, I couldn’t get the class relationships I wanted in perl. I tried Python, because this was around 2003 and Python was the next new thing and everyone was saying how great it is, but I just can’t seem to write in Python at all. A friend had said he’d heard Ruby was cool, so I gave it a try, and in four hours I went from never having seen a line of it to having a working prototype. I haven’t looked back since then, and haven’t regretted the choice.

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