ruby-on-rails - 生产模式的 Ckeditor gem 问题

标签 ruby-on-rails ruby ckeditor

我正在使用 CKEditor gem .我对 application.jsroutes.rb 的配置如下:

# application.js
//= require ckeditor/init

# routes.rb
mount Ckeditor::Engine => '/ckeditor'

gem 在开发模式下工作正常,但是当转到生产模式时,当浏览器请求 ckeditor 文件夹中的 js 和 css 文件时出现错误 404:

GET http://mydomain/assets/ckeditor/config.js?t=D2LI 404 (Not Found)
GET http://mydomain/assets/ckeditor/skins/moono/editor.css?t=D2LI 404 (Not Found)
GET http://mydomain/assets/ckeditor/lang/vi.js?t=D2LI 404 (Not Found)
GET http://mydomain/assets/ckeditor/styles.js?t=D2LI 404 (Not Found) 

请帮助我修复我的 ckeditor 路由配置。提前谢谢你。


您需要明确指示 Rails 在生产环境中预编译您的 CKEditor Assets :

# config/application.rb
config.assets.precompile += Ckeditor.assets


rake assets:precompile:all

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