node.js - 如何在 Expressjs 中进行 Web 服务调用?

标签 node.js express

app.get('/', function(req, res){

var options = {
  host: ''

http.get(options, function(http_res) {
    http_res.on('data', function (chunk) {
        res.send('BODY: ' + chunk);


我正在尝试下载 主页并重新打印,但我收到“发送后无法使用可变 header API”。错误



查看示例 here在 node.js 文档上。

http.get 方法是一种方便的方法,它为 GET 请求处理很多基本的东西,通常没有正文。下面是一个如何发出简单 HTTP GET 请求的示例。

var http = require("http");

var options = {
    host: ''

http.get(options, function (http_res) {
    // initialize the container for our data
    var data = "";

    // this event fires many times, each time collecting another piece of the response
    http_res.on("data", function (chunk) {
        // append this chunk to our growing `data` var
        data += chunk;

    // this event fires *one* time, after all the `data` events/chunks have been gathered
    http_res.on("end", function () {
        // you can use res.send instead of console.log to output via express

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