ruby-on-rails - 清除旧的 Rails 迁移文件是个好主意吗?

标签 ruby-on-rails ruby activerecord migration

我已经运行一个大型 Rails 应用程序 2 年多了,一天天过去,我的 ActiveRecord 迁移文件夹已经增长到超过 150 个文件。




The Rails 4 Way第 177 页: 塞巴斯蒂安说……

A little-known fact is that you can remove old migration files (while still keeping newer ones) to keep the db/migrate folder to a manageable size. You can move the older migrations to a db/archived_migrations folder or something like that. Once you do trim the size of your migrations folder, use the rake db:reset task to (re-)create your database from db/schema.rb and load the seeds into your current environment.

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