javascript - Angular ng-model 动态 getter 和 setter

标签 javascript angularjs angular-ngmodel

我想将 ng-model 与外部模型服务一起使用。该模型有两个方法:getValue(variable) 和 setValue(variable)。

所以在我的 html 中我希望能够做到:

<input type="text" ng-model="balance">

Note: balance is not defined on $scope in my controller. And because we are dealing with more then 4000 different variables, I don't want to define them all on $scope.

然后在更改时它必须调用模型的 setValue() 方法。所以在我的 Controller 中我想有这样的东西:

$catchAllGetter = function(variable) { // e.g. variable = 'balance'
     var value = Model.getValue(variable);
     return value;

$catchAllSetter = function(variable, value) { // called on change
     Model.setValue(variable, value);

Angular 可以实现这样的功能吗?


我的方法与@Dan Prince 类似,但实现方式略有不同


Edit : As specified by @Werlang, writing an attribute that replaces ngModel will refrain you from features like validation, formatting, debounced update, ng-change etc. So instead of writing a replacement, we will instead wire up a supplementary attribute


    app.directive('dynamicInput', function() {
      return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, el, attr) {
              scope.variableName = angular.copy(attr.ngModel); // Saving the variable name

              scope[attr.ngModel] = (attr.ngModel + '_1'); // Setting a dummy value in the scope variable.
              // In your case it will look something like scope[attr.ngModel] = Model.getValue(attr.ngModel);

                scope.$watch(attr.ngModel, function(newValue, oldValue) {

                  console.log(scope.variableName + " ==> " + newValue);

                  //Model.setValue(scope.variableName, newValue);



然后在你的 HTML 中:

    <input ng-model='balance' dynamic-input />

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