javascript - 更改事件不适用于动态生成的元素 - Jquery

标签 javascript jquery ajax

我用 jquery Ajax 动态生成一个下拉列表,生成下拉列表的 id 是 specificationAttribute 。我想为生成的新标签创建添加事件 (specificationAttribute) ,为此我在 window.load 中创建了 Belowe script:

$(document).on('change', '#specificationattribute', function () {
    alert("Clicked Me !");

但它不起作用。 我尝试了更多方式,例如 clicklive 但我无法得到任何结果。


来自 fiddle 的代码:

$(window).load(function () {
  $("#specificationCategory").change(function () {
        var selected = $(this).find(":selected");
        if (selected.val().trim().length == 0) {
            ShowMessage('please selecet ...', 'information');
        else {

            var categoryId = selected.val();
            var url = $('#url').data('loadspecificationattributes');

                url: url,
                data: { categoryId: categoryId, controlId: 'specificationattribute' },
                type: 'POST',
                success: function (data) {
                error: function (response) {




    $(document).on('change', '#specificationAttribute', function () {
        alert("changed ");



您的 fiddle 有语法错误。由于下拉列表会生成一个选择,因此我们使用一个。

对于我的回答,我使用了这个 HTML,稍后会详细介绍:您的代码中的内容不匹配

<select id="specificationAttribute" name="specificationAttribute">


$(window).on('load', function() {
  $("#specificationCategory").on('change',function() {
    var selected = $(this).find(":selected");
    // if there is a selection, this should have a length so use that
    // old:  if (selected.val().trim().length == 0) {
    if (!selected.length) { // new
    // NO clue what this is and not on the fiddle so commented it out
    //  ShowMessage('please selecet ...', 'information');
      alert("select something a category");// lots of ways to do this
    } else {
      var categoryId = selected.val();
      var url = $('#url').data('loadspecificationattributes');
        url: url,
        data: {
          categoryId: categoryId,
          controlId: 'specificationattribute'
        type: 'POST',
        success: function(data) {
           // THIS line id does not match my choice of specificationAttribute so I changed it
        error: function(response) {

  // THIS should work with the markup I put as an example
  $(document).on('change', '#specificationAttribute', function() {
    alert("changed ");
});// THIS line was missing parts

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