javascript - CKEditor 4 : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'langEntries' of null

标签 javascript ruby-on-rails ruby ckeditor

我正在为 CK 编辑器 ( ) 使用 Ruby gem,但出现此错误:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'langEntries' of null


CKEDITOR.plugins.load =, function (a) {
var d = {};
return function (b, c, e) {
    var i = {},
        g = function (b) {
  , b, function (a) {
      , a);
                var b = [],
                for (l in a) {
                    var s = a[l],
                        q = s && s.requires;
                    if (!d[l]) {
                        if (s.icons)
                            for (var u = s.icons.split(","), f = u.length; f--;)[f], s.path + "icons/" + (CKEDITOR.env.hidpi && s.hidpi ? "hidpi/" : "") + u[f] + ".png");
                        d[l] = 1
                    if (q) {
                        q.split && (q = q.split(","));
                        for (s = 0; s < q.length; s++) i[q[s]] || b.push(q[s])
                if (b.length),
                else { *ERRORING HERE*
                    for (l in i) {
                        s = i[l];
                        if (s.onLoad && !s.onLoad._called) {
                            s.onLoad() === false && delete i[l];
                            s.onLoad._called = 1
                    c && || window, i)
            }, this)
        };, b)
CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang = function (a, d, b) {
var c = this.get(a),
    a = c.langEntries || (c.langEntries = {}),
    c = c.lang || (c.lang = []);
c.split && (c = c.split(","));, d) == -1 && c.push(d);
a[d] = b
CKEDITOR.ui = function (a) {
 if (a.ui) return a.ui;
this.items = {};
this.instances = {};
this.editor = a;
this._ = {
    handlers: {}
return this

我正在尝试使用这个 Simple Uploads 插件,它有一大堆语言。我的目录结构是这样的: enter image description here

这是 CK 编辑器针对此错误的文档:!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins-method-setLang



编辑:这是英文 lang 文件 -

CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'simpleuploads', 'en',
    // Tooltip for the "add file" toolbar button
    addFile : 'Add a file',
    // Tooltip for the "add image" toolbar button
    addImage: 'Add an image',

    // Shown after the data has been sent to the server and we're waiting for the response
    processing: 'Processing...',

    // File size is over config.simpleuploads_maxFileSize OR the server returns HTTP status 413
    fileTooBig : 'The file is too big, please use a smaller one.',

    // The extension matches one of the blacklisted ones in config.simpleuploads_invalidExtensions
    invalidExtension : 'Invalid file type, please use only valid files.',

    // The extension isn't included in config.simpleuploads_acceptedExtensions
    nonAcceptedExtension: 'The file type is not valid, please use only valid files:\r\n%0',

    // The file isn't an accepted type for images
    nonImageExtension: 'You must select an image',

    // The width of the image is over the allowed maximum
    imageTooWide: 'The image is too wide',

    // The height of the image is over the allowed maximum
    imageTooTall: 'The image is too tall'


问题出在 rails 编译 Assets 的方式上。它会生成一个大的 js 文件,如果你的 plugin.js 代码没有在/lang 中的文件之前加载,它会抛出一个错误并停止执行由 rails 生成的大 js 文件。这意味着如果您有任何 js 代码超过了错误发生的位置,它也不会被执行。以下是帮助我解决问题的方法:

//= require ckeditor/init
//= require ckeditor/config
//= require ckeditor/plugins/YOUR_PLUGIN/plugin    // plugin.js in folder
//= require ckeditor/plugins/YOUR_PLUGIN/lang/en   // en.js in folder
//= require_directory .

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