
标签 javascript key javascript-objects

问题类似于:How can I check that two objects have the same set of property names?但只有一个区别


var objOne = {"a":"one","b":"two","c":{"f":"three_one"}};
var objTwo = {"a":"four","b":"five","c":{"f":"six_one"}};


例如 deepCheckObjKeys(objOne, objTwo) 将返回 true 其中 deepCheckObjKeys(objOne, objThree) 返回 false,如果:

var objThree = {"a":"four","b":"five","c":{"g":"six_one"}};

因为 objThree.a.c.fobjThree 中是 undefined



function objectsHaveSameKeys() {
   for (var _len = arguments.length, objects = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
      objects[_key] = arguments[_key];

   var allKeys = objects.reduce(function (keys, object) {
      return keys.concat(Object.keys(object));
   }, []);
   var union = new Set(allKeys);
   return objects.every(function (object) {
      return union.size === Object.keys(object).length;


PS: objectsHaveSameKeys() 等效于 ES6:

function objectsHaveSameKeys(...objects):boolean {
   const allKeys = objects.reduce((keys, object) => keys.concat(Object.keys(object)), []);
   const union = new Set(allKeys);
   return objects.every(object => union.size === Object.keys(object).length);




  • 如果其中一个“对象”为 null 而另一个没有属性怎么办? true 还是 false
  • 如果其中一个对象具有 {a: null} 而另一个对象具有 {a: 17} 怎么办? true 还是 false
  • 如果其中一个对象具有 {a: null} 而另一个对象具有 {a: {}} 怎么办? true 还是 false

为了本示例的目的,我将 null 视为没有属性的对象,但它非常很大程度上取决于您的用例。我至少可以想到另外两种方法(null 除了 null 之外什么都不匹配,或者 null 除了什么都不匹配一个非对象,即使该对象没有自己的属性)并且可能还有其他属性。


const deepSameKeys = (o1, o2) => {
    // Both nulls = same
    if (o1 === null && o2 === null) {
        return true;

    // Get the keys of each object
    const o1keys = o1 === null ? new Set() : new Set(Object.keys(o1));
    const o2keys = o2 === null ? new Set() : new Set(Object.keys(o2));
    if (o1keys.size !== o2keys.size) {
        // Different number of own properties = not the same
        return false;

    // Look for differences, recursing as necessary
    for (const key of o1keys) {
        if (!o2keys.has(key)) {
            // Different keys
            return false;
        // Get the values and their types
        const v1 = o1[key];
        const v2 = o2[key];
        const t1 = typeof v1;
        const t2 = typeof v2;
        if (t1 === "object") {
            if (t2 === "object" && !deepSameKeys(v1, v2)) {
                return false;
        } else if (t2 === "object") {
            // We know `v1` isn't an object
            return false;

    // No differences found
    return true;

// Checking your example
const objOne   = {"a": "one",  "b": "two",  "c": {"f": "three_one"}};
const objTwo   = {"a": "four", "b": "five", "c": {"f": "six_one"}};
const objThree = {"a": "four", "b": "five", "c": {"g": "six_one"}};

console.log("objOne vs. objTwo:         ", deepSameKeys(objOne, objTwo));        // true
console.log("objTwo vs. objThree:       ", deepSameKeys(objTwo, objThree));      // false

// `null` checks
console.log("{a: null} vs. {a: 17}      ", deepSameKeys({a: null}, {a: 17}));    // true
console.log("{a: null} vs. {a: {}}      ", deepSameKeys({a: null}, {a: {}}));    // true -- depending on your use case, you may want this to be false
console.log("{a: null} vs. {a: {x:1}}   ", deepSameKeys({a: null}, {a: {x:1}})); // false

// Differing value type check
console.log("{a: 1} vs. {a: '1'}}       ", deepSameKeys({a: 1}, {a: '1'}));      // true

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