javascript - 帮助使用 JavaScript 解析字符串(城市、州 zip )

标签 javascript regex parsing


City, State ZIP


我如何使用 JavaScript 做到这一点? 编辑: 请注意,他没有提到他到达这里时已经有了邮政编码,如果这对您的解决方案有帮助的话 ~~ drachenstern


var address = "San Francisco, CA 94129";

function parseAddress(address) {
    // Make sure the address is a string.
    if (typeof address !== "string") throw "Address is not a string.";

    // Trim the address.
    address = address.trim();

    // Make an object to contain the data.
    var returned = {};

    // Find the comma.
    var comma = address.indexOf(',');

    // Pull out the city. = address.slice(0, comma);

    // Get everything after the city.
    var after = address.substring(comma + 2); // The string after the comma, +2 so that we skip the comma and the space.

    // Find the space.
    var space = after.lastIndexOf(' ');

    // Pull out the state.
    returned.state = after.slice(0, space);

    // Pull out the zip code. = after.substring(space + 1);

    // Return the data.
    return returned;

address = parseAddress(address);

这可能比使用正则表达式和 String.split() 更好,因为它考虑到了州和城市可能有空格。


这是一个缩小版。 :D

function parseAddress(a) {if(typeof a!=="string") throw "Address is not a string.";a=a.trim();var r={},c=a.indexOf(',');,c);var f=a.substring(c+2),s=f.lastIndexOf(' ');r.state=f.slice(0,s);;return r;}

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