javascript - Photoshop JavaScript 将图像和 Canvas 调整为特定(非正方形)大小

标签 javascript canvas resize photoshop


如何使用 PhotoShop 的 JavaScript 功能将一组数百张图像转换为特定的非方形尺寸(例如 320x350 像素)?


我在网上搜索了很多可能的解决方案,但其中 100% 都转换为正方形尺寸。所以,我收集了一些并自己解决了这个问题。

将下面的代码保存为 Photoshop \Presets\Scripts 文件夹中的 .jsx 文件。然后,如果要对多个文件使用它,请执行操作。

// get a reference to the current (active) document and store it in a variable named "doc"
doc = app.activeDocument;  

// change the color mode to RGB.  Important for resizing GIFs with indexed colors, to get better results

// these are our values for the END RESULT width and height (in pixels) of our image
var fWidth = 320;
var fHeight = 350;

// do the resizing.  if height > width (portrait-mode) resize based on height.  otherwise, resize based on width
if (doc.height > doc.width) {
else {

// Makes the default background white
var white = new SolidColor(); 
white.rgb.hexValue = "FFFFFF";
app.backgroundColor = white;

// Convert the canvas size as informed above for the END RESULT

// our web export options
var options = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
options.quality = 70;
options.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG;
options.optimized = true;

var newName = 'web-''.jpg';


关于javascript - Photoshop JavaScript 将图像和 Canvas 调整为特定(非正方形)大小,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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