javascript - 如何解决与 primefaces jquery 的冲突

标签 javascript jquery jsf jsf-2 primefaces

我用 primefaces 5 开发一个项目,一页使用了一个需要 jquery 的 js 文件,但显示 Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function ,但是当我从 <h:outputScript library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery.js" target="head"/> 更改我的 jquery 源时到

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

工作正常,但我失去了许多 primefaces 功能,如 contexMenu


这是我的 javascript 文件:

(function($, $S) {
//$ jQuery
//$S window.localStorage
//Variables Declaration
var $board = $('#notesForm\\:board'),
//Board where the Posticks are sticked
Postick, //Singleton Object containing the Functions to work with the LocalStorage
len = 0, //Length of Objects in the LocalStorage
currentNotes = '', //Storage the html construction of the posticks
o; //Actual Postick data in the localStorage

//Manage the Posticks in the Local Storage
//Each postick is saved in the localStorage as an Object 
Postick = {
    add : function(obj) { = $S.length;
        $S.setItem(, JSON.stringify(obj));

    retrive : function(id) {
        return JSON.parse($S.getItem(id));

    remove : function(id) {

    removeAll : function() {


//If exist any postick, Create it/them
len = $S.length;
if (len) {
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        //Create all posticks saved in localStorage
        var key = $S.key(i);
        o = Postick.retrive(key);
        currentNotes += '<div class="postick"';
        currentNotes += ' style="left:' + o.left;
        currentNotes += 'px; top:' +;
        //data-key is the attribute to know what item delete in the localStorage
        currentNotes += 'px"><div class="toolbar"><span class="delete" data-key="'
                + key;
        currentNotes += '">x</span></div><div contenteditable="true" class="editable">';
        currentNotes += o.text;
        currentNotes += '</div>';

    //Append all the posticks to the board

//When the document is ready, make all posticks Draggable
$(document).ready(function() {
        cancel : '.editable',
        "zIndex" : 3000,
        "stack" : '.postick'

//Remove Postick
$('span.delete').live('click', function() {
    if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this Note?')) {
        var $this = $(this);
        //data-key is the attribute to know what item delete in the localStorage
        $this.closest('.postick').fadeOut('slow', function() {

//Create postick
                function() {
                            .append('<div class="postick" style="left:20px;top:70px"><div class="toolbar"><span class="delete" title="Close">x</span></div><div contenteditable class="editable"></div></div>');
                        cancel : '.editable'

//Save all the posticks when the user leaves the page
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    //Clean the localStorage
    //Then insert each postick into the LocalStorage
    //Saving their position on the page, in order to position them when the page is loaded again
    $('.postick').each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);
            top : parseInt($this.position().top),
            left : parseInt($this.position().left),
            text : $this.children('.editable').text()
})(jQuery, window.localStorage);


作为基于 jQuery 的 JSF 组件库的 PrimeFaces 已经随 jQuery(和 UI)开箱即用。一旦您在页面上使用 PrimeFaces 组件,PrimeFaces 就会自行加载它们。绝对没有必要手动加载另一个 jQuery 文件。它只会像您所经历的那样在所有颜色中发生冲突。

如果您确实想在不一定包含 PrimeFaces 组件的页面上使用 jQuery/UI,因此 jQuery/UI 不一定会自动包含,那么您需要手动包含 PrimeFaces 捆绑的 jQuery,如下所示:

<h:outputScript library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery.js" target="head" />
<h:outputScript library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery-plugins.js" target="head" />

注意:这不会以重复包含结束。 JSF/PrimeFaces 能够检测到您已经手动声明了它们并且不会自动包含另一个。

或者,如果您确实想升级 PrimeFaces 捆绑的 jQuery/UI 到更新版本,则将这些文件完全放在以下位置和文件名:

 |-- resources
 |    `-- primefaces
 |         `-- jquery
 |              |-- jquery.js          <-- newer jQuery version
 |              `-- jquery-plugins.js  <-- newer jQuery UI version

当在 WAR 而不是 JAR 中找到 JSF 资源时,WAR 中的资源将比 JAR 中的资源具有更高的加载优先级。

如果您仍然遇到 Uncaught TypeError 错误,请确保您在 Internet 上找到的 jQuery 片段与 PrimeFaces 捆绑的 jQuery 版本兼容。 PrimeFaces 5.0 附带 jQuery 1.11.0 和 jQuery UI 1.10.3。您的代码片段似乎是针对 jQuery 1.4 的,并且在指向 jQuery 1.11 的路径中很多已更改。例如 $.live() 在 1.7 中弃用并在 1.9 中删除。另见 the documentation .

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