javascript - Jqplot 饼图的背景色

标签 javascript jquery css jqplot pie-chart

请给我一个页面,在页面中我有两个饼图, 我想为 2 个图表显示不同的背景颜色,但它嵌入在 css 文件中! 有没有选择使用任何颜色?还是让它透明? 我的代码:

 PieTimer[index] = jQuery.jqplot(PieTimerId,

 seriesDefaults: {

 shadow: false,

 seriesColors: ["#13e837", "#6e869b"],

 renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,

 rendererOptions: {

 highlightMouseOver: false,

 diameter: 40,

 padding: 0,

 showDataLabels: false,

startAngle: 270,
sliceMargin: 0,

shadowOffset: 0,

shadowAlpha: 0,

shadowDepth: 0,

 drawBorder: false,

 shadow: false,

 borderWidth: 0



 legend: { show: false, location: 'w'}



我想知道在绘制图表时是否可以设置一个属性(例如:backgroundcolor ...)? 10倍


根据 the jqPlot options page您有一个名为 grid 的选项,您可以在其中设置所有网格参数,其中一个参数是背景颜色。

grid: {
    drawGridLines: true,        // wether to draw lines across the grid or not.
    gridLineColor: '#cccccc',   // *Color of the grid lines.
    background: '#fffdf6',      // CSS color spec for background color of grid.
    borderColor: '#999999',     // CSS color spec for border around grid.
    borderWidth: 2.0,           // pixel width of border around grid.
    shadow: true,               // draw a shadow for grid.
    shadowAngle: 45,            // angle of the shadow.  Clockwise from x axis.
    shadowOffset: 1.5,          // offset from the line of the shadow.
    shadowWidth: 3,             // width of the stroke for the shadow.
    shadowDepth: 3,             // Number of strokes to make when drawing shadow.
                                // Each stroke offset by shadowOffset from the last.
    shadowAlpha: 0.07,          // Opacity of the shadow
    renderer: $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer,  // renderer to use to draw the grid.
    rendererOptions: {}         // options to pass to the renderer.  Note, the default
                                // CanvasGridRenderer takes no additional options.


var plot1 = jQuery.jqplot ('chart1', [data], 
    seriesDefaults: {
        // Make this a pie chart.
        renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer
grid: {
    drawGridLines: true,        // wether to draw lines across the grid or not.
        gridLineColor: '#cccccc',   // CSS color spec of the grid lines.
        background: '#ffff66',      // CSS color spec for background color of grid.
        borderColor: '#999999',     // CSS color spec for border around grid.
        borderWidth: 2.0,           // pixel width of border around grid.
        shadow: true,               // draw a shadow for grid.
        shadowAngle: 45,            // angle of the shadow.  Clockwise from x axis.
        shadowOffset: 1.5,          // offset from the line of the shadow.
        shadowWidth: 3,             // width of the stroke for the shadow.
        shadowDepth: 3
  legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }


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