javascript - 为什么 requestIdleCallback 给我超过 16 毫秒的时间

标签 javascript google-chrome

我认为我们的代码执行时间大约为 16 毫秒,因为渲染速率为 60 fps,所以 1000/60 = ~16 毫秒。但是,如果我在 Chrome 中运行它:

    console.log(deadline.timeRemaining(), deadline.didTimeout)

timeRemaining 给我 49.9ms 的时间。这是否意味着 Chrome 不会每 16 毫秒重新渲染一次?我假设在这种情况下是正确的,如果没有任何变化,则无需重新渲染。


规范支持您的假设。在 Start an idle period algorithm它说:

  1. Let deadline be a time in the future until which the browser expects to remain idle. The user agent should choose deadline to ensure that no time-critical tasks will be delayed even if a callback runs for the whole time period from now to deadline. As such, it should be set to the minimum of: the closest timeout in the list of active timers as set via setTimeout and setInterval; the scheduled runtime for pending animation callbacks posted via requestAnimationFrame; pending internal timeouts such as deadlines to start rendering the next frame, process audio or any other internal task the user agent deems important.



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