javascript - 重新导出模块对 tree-shaking 有害吗?

标签 javascript webpack ecmascript-6 es6-modules tree-shaking

我和我的同事发生了争执,我们似乎无法从任何官方来源(MDN、webpack 文档等)找到答案。我的研究hasn't yielded much任何一个。好像有疑问even when it comes to importing

我们的设置是 Webpack、Babel 和典型的 React/Redux 应用程序。举个例子:

export * from './actions';
export * from './selectors';
export * from './reducer';

export { default } from './reducer';

这允许我将 Redux 模块分成逻辑部分,使代码更易于阅读和维护。

然而,我的一些同事认为 export * from 实际上可能会通过欺骗 webpack 来损害它的 tree-shaking 能力相信导出实际上只是被重新导出。



It is believed that export * from may harm webpack's tree-shaking capabilities, by tricking it into believing an export is used when it is in fact just being re-exported.

不,导入/导出声明除了为导出的变量设置别名外什么都不做,它们不算作“使用”。鉴于它们的语义,它们会被任何打包器专门跟踪,并且不会对 tree-shaking 产生不利影响。


export { X as Y } from '…';

import { X as Y } from '…';
export { Y }

import { X } from '…';
export { X as Y }


import { X } from '…';
export const Y = X; // avoid!

So my question is, are there any facts proving or disproving this?


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