javascript - .ajaxStop 回调函数被多次执行

标签 javascript jquery callback flickr

我正在使用 jQuery,但我的问题是即使我在 .ajaxStop 回调函数中使用“page += 1”,我的 page 变量也被递增了几次,因为它在第一次执行后被执行了不止一次它被使用了。我将该变量用作传递给 Flickr API 的参数,以获取特定页面的数据。

发生的事情是第一次调用该函数时,回调函数被执行一次。然后我从“更多”按钮调用相同的函数以获得下一组结果但是这次函数被调用两次,下一次被调用三次,依此类推......这意味着我可以获得第 1 页, 2、4、7、11 等...

我调用的 AJAX 函数基本上是 .getJSON 函数和一些在其回调方法 [inside getPhotos(id)] 中调用的额外 .getJSON 函数

// This gets the user ID from a given Flickr user page URL and does some presentation stuff
function getUserID() {

    var usr = document.getElementById('user').value
    var Req_addr = '' + API_key + '&' + usr + json
    $.getJSON(Req_addr, function(data) {
        // Once the user is known, data about its photos is requested    

    // This hides the user data panel    

    // This hides the settings panel    
    $("#settings").hide(0, function() {

    // This is what displays the photos when all of the AJAX requests have received their responses (ajaxStop)
    $("#photos").ajaxStop(function() {
        // the page counter is incremented for the next page to be requested next time
        page += 1

        // Add the data for the newly obtained photos to the table




你看到的是因为 .ajaxStop()附加一个新的 事件处理程序,并且您每次都附加一个新的。只需将它移到外面(但仍在 document.ready 处理程序内),如下所示:

// This gets the user ID from a given Flickr user page URL and does some presentation stuff
function getUserID() {

    var usr = document.getElementById('user').value
    var Req_addr = '' + API_key + '&' + usr + json
    $.getJSON(Req_addr, function(data) {
        // Once the user is known, data about its photos is requested    

    // This hides the user data panel    

    // This hides the settings panel    
    $("#settings").hide(0, function() {

// This is what displays the photos when all of the AJAX requests have received their responses (ajaxStop)
$("#photos").ajaxStop(function() {
    // the page counter is incremented for the next page to be requested next time
    page += 1

    // Add the data for the newly obtained photos to the table

另一种方法是(如果由于某种原因 #photos 被吹走了),将它留在函数内部的位置并使用 .one()像这样:

$("#photos").one("ajaxStop", function() {


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