javascript - 如何检索 AMD'ized Dojo 的 XHR 响应代码(+时间戳)?

标签 javascript dojo xmlhttprequest

使用“旧”Dojo,可以将第二个参数ioargs 传递给Xhr 请求(see Example 6 here) 的load 函数。此 ioargs 提供(除其他外)请求的时间戳和状态代码。

但是我怎样才能使用新的“更干净”(并且向前兼容)的 Dojo 来实现这一点?
不幸的是,我在 current documentation 中找不到任何提示。 .

以下应该是上面引用的示例到"new"Dojo 的端口。但是,ioargs 将是未定义的:

require( "dojo/request/xhr", "dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!",
  function(request, dom){
    // Look up the node we'll stick the text under.
    var targetNode = dom.byId("getLicenseStatus");

    // The parameters to pass to xhrGet, the url, how to handle it, and the callbacks.
        handleAs: "text",
        preventCache: true
      function(data, ioargs){
        // FIXME: ioargs is undefined
        targetNode.innerHTML = "XHR returned HTTP status: " + ioargs.xhr.status;
        targetNode.innerHTML = "An unexpected error occurred: " + error.response.status + ": " + error.response.text;



request 返回一个特殊的promise ( source ):

Promises returned from dojo/request calls have an additional property not available on standard promises: response. This property is a promise that will resolve to a frozen object (where available) describing the response in more detail:

  • url – final URL used to make the request (with query string appended)
  • options – options object used to make the request
  • text – string representation of the data in the response
  • data – the handled data in the response (if handleAs was specified)
  • getHeader(headerName) – a function to get a header from the request; if a provider doesn’t provide header information, this function will return null.

因此您应该将 .then 链接到此 promise.response 以访问所有上述属性:

var promise = request.get("{{dataUrl}}dojo/LICENSE");

promise.response.then(function(response) {
    console.log("status", response.status);
    console.log("url", response.url);

请参阅 jsFiddle 上的工作示例:

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