javascript - 获取错误 : 'Cannot assign to ' location' because it is a constant or a read-only property' with mailto function in Angular app

标签 javascript angular typescript mailto

我正在尝试在我的 Angular 2 应用程序中设置一个功能,该功能将使用用户的默认电子邮件客户端发送一封包含一些预填充信息的电子邮件:

sendEmail() {
    this.title = document.title;
    this.title = this.title.replace("&", "-");
    window.location = "mailto:?body=" + this.title + " - " + window.location + "&subject=I thought this link might interest you.";


Cannot assign to 'location' because it is a constant or a read-only property. webpack: Failed to compile.



您缺少 href

window.location.href = ....

您也可以通过给 Angular Router 一个静态 url 来做到这一点:


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