javascript - iPad Safari IOS 5 window.close() 关闭错误窗口

标签 javascript ipad mobile-safari

我们有一个 iPad 应用程序可以在我们的旧 iPad 上运行。

我们打开外部链接使用 var x =

在一天结束时,当用户关闭应用程序的这一部分时,我们遍历它打开的所有窗口并对每个窗口执行 x.close(),一切正常。

在装有 IOS 5 和可爱标签的新 iPad 上进行测试, 打开新窗口(尽管现在它们作为选项卡打开)很好,但是执行 x.close() 似乎不一定关闭 x,它可能会关闭窗口 y 或 z。执行 x.focus() 或 y.focus() 工作得很好,正确的选项卡成为焦点,但关闭似乎只是选择它想要的任何选项卡。


        //The openWindow array will hold the handles of all open child windows
        var openWindow = new Array();
       var win1;
       var win2;
        //Track open adds the new child window handle to the array.
        function trackOpen(winName) {

        //loop over all known child windows and try to close them.  No error is
        //thrown if a child window(s) was already closed.
        function closeWindows() {
            var openCount = openWindow.length;
            for(r=openCount-1;r>=0;r--) {

        //Open a new child window and add it to the tracker.
        function open1() {
            win1 ="");

        //Open a different child window and add it to the tracker.
        function open2() {
            win2 ="");

        //Open whatever the user enters and add it to the tracker
        function open3() {
            var newURL = document.getElementById("url").value;
            var win3=;

    <input type="button" value="Open 1" onclick="open1()">
    <input type="button" value="Open 2" onclick="open2()">
    <input type="button" value="Focus 1" onclick="win1.focus()">
    <input type="button" value="Focus 2" onclick="win2.focus()">
    <input type="button" value="Close 1" onclick="win1.close()">
    <input type="button" value="Close 2" onclick="win2.close()">

    URL: <input type="text" id="url"> <input type="button" value="Open URL" onclick="open3()">
    <input type="button" value="Close All" onclick="closeWindows()">



这对我有用(iPad 2 和 3;iOS 5.1.1 的 3)

var host=window.opener;
window.focus(); /* solves the iPad3 problem */
window.close(); /* the actual closing we want to achieve... */
/* makes the focus go back to opener on iPad2, fails silently on iPad3 */
try { host.focus(); } catch(e) {} 

关于javascript - iPad Safari IOS 5 window.close() 关闭错误窗口,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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