go - 无法将图像转换为 []uint8

标签 go

如何从图像中提取原始 []uint8?


根据定义,8 位整数的大小为 8 位(或 1 个字节)。


输出的字符串表示不是每个数字一个字符 - 它是几个(例如,您首先列出的 int - 65 - 由 三个 个字符表示 -一个 6、一个 5 和一个空格。这将使预期大小增加三倍,从 300k 到 900k。

至于其余部分,我认为(如 icza 在评论中所说)图像压缩可能是罪魁祸首。


Go has two character types, byte and rune. A byte being used to store a character is the same size as a byte being used to store an integer - both are 8 bits. But a character being stored as a rune is going to be 32 bits (see https://www.callicoder.com/golang-basic-types-operators-type-conversion/). So, if the characters being written out are runes, that would explain a four-fold increase in size (because 32 / 8 = 4)...

关于go - 无法将图像转换为 []uint8,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57277634/


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