先不运行go main函数

标签 go program-entry-point process.start

package main
import (
     cpu "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/cpu"

const NumofResource = 4

// 구조체
type HostInfo struct {
    Hostid string

var c *cron.Cron
var lastCPUTimes []cpu.TimesStat

func main() {
    fmt.Println("1.main.go > main() start")
    defer l4g.Close()

var err interface{}
lastCPUTimes, err = cpu.Times(false) //nil
fmt.Println("2.main.go > err", err)
fmt.Println("3.main.go > lastCPUTimes", lastCPUTimes)

if err != nil {

我知道main函数先执行。 但是,我们确认首先执行了名为 cpu_windows.go 的库。 为什么?

cpu_windows.go : Times(bool) false

cpu_windows.go : common.ProcGetSystemTimes.Call 1

cpu_windows.go : Times(bool) true

cpu_windows.go : return perCPUTimes()

1.main.go : main() start

cpu_windows.go : Times(bool) false

cpu_windows.go : common.ProcGetSystemTimes.Call 1

2.main.go : err


specification says :

If a package has imports, the imported packages are initialized before initializing the package itself.

Program execution begins by initializing the main package and then invoking the function main.

接下来是 initialization code在导入的 cpu 包中,在 main 中的任何代码之前执行。

关于先不运行go main函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46292604/


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