oracle - 当使用带有 oracle 驱动程序的数据库/sql 包时,LastInsertId 返回 0

标签 oracle go last-insert-id lastinsertid

我正在使用带有 oracle 驱动程序(“”)的 database/sql 包,当我插入数据时,它的 LastInsertId 方法返回 0,而数据已成功插入。 附加代码。

package main

import (

    _ ""

func main() {
    conn, err = sql.Open(“ora”, 
    query := “INSERT INTO Table (C2) VALUES (:C2)”
    result, err := conn.Exec(query, “Test”)
    if err!= nil {
    lastId := result.LastInsertId() // returning 0



来自 the documentation (强调):


The database/sql package provides a LastInsertId method to return the last inserted row's id. Oracle does not provide such functionality, but if you append ... RETURNING col /*LastInsertId*/ to your SQL, then it will be presented as LastInsertId. Note that you have to mark with a /*LastInsertId*/ (case insensitive) your RETURNING part, to allow ora to return the last column as LastInsertId(). That column must fit in int64, though!

关于oracle - 当使用带有 oracle 驱动程序的数据库/sql 包时,LastInsertId 返回 0,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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