php - 在 PHP 上使用 xpath : how to select first child?

标签 php xml xpath

我有一个像这样的 XML 结构:

    <pattern> ... </pattern>
    <row> ... </row>

如何选择<layout>的第一个节点通过其索引,使用 XPath?

w3schools 表示类似于 /bookstore/book[1]/title 的语法,但随后 says :

There is a problem with this. The example above shows different results in IE and other browsers.

IE5 and later has implemented that [0] should be the first node, but according to the W3C standard it should have been [1]!!

A Workaround!
To solve the [0] and [1] problem in IE5+, you can set the SelectionLanguage to XPath.

但这是特定于客户的。 PHP手册对此也不是很清楚。



$l = new SimpleXMLElement('<layout>
  <pattern> ... </pattern> 
  <row> ... </row>  
foreach($l->xpath('/layout/*[1]') as $n) {// yeah yeah, it's only one....
  echo $n->getName();

打印模式。 (php 5.3.1/win32/ 版本)

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