xml - XS型号 : getting model group information

标签 xml xsd xerces

使用 Xerces SAX 库的 XSModel 作为 XSD 语法的表示,如果我有一个引用模型组的复杂类型,我该如何检索模型组?似乎由 Xerces 提供的 XSModel 实例表示的复杂类型定义只提供对组的扁平化(扩展)内容(即组的元素)的访问,而不是实际的组或对组定义的引用(甚至是组的名称;XSModelGroupImplgetName() 方法由 return null 组成... ).


Xerces 很好地展示了模型组。 但是,您应该使用 org.apache.xerces.xs 包。 模型组位于顶层声明中,并作为复杂类型中的粒子。

这是一个示例 Java 代码:

import org.apache.xerces.xs.*;
import org.apache.xerces.dom.DOMXSImplementationSourceImpl;

 * Load an XSD file
void loadSchema (String xsdURI)
  XSImplementation impl = (XSImplementation)
    (new DOMXSImplementationSourceImpl()).getDOMImplementation ("XS-Loader");

  XSLoader schemaLoader = impl.createXSLoader (null);

  XSModel xsModel = schemaLoader.loadURI (xsdURI);

 * Process schema content
private void processXSModel (XSModel xsModel)
  XSNamedMap xsMap;

  // process model group definitions
  xsMap = xsModel.getComponents (XSConstants.MODEL_GROUP_DEFINITION);
  for (int i = 0; i < xsMap.getLength(); i ++)
    XSModelGroupDefinition xsGroupDef = (XSModelGroupDefinition) xsMap.item (i);
    XSModelGroup xsGroup = xsGroupDef.getModelGroup();

  // process top-level type definitions
  xsMap = xsModel.getComponents (XSConstants.TYPE_DEFINITION);
  for (int i = 0; i < xsMap.getLength(); i ++)
    XSTypeDefinition xsTDef = (XSTypeDefinition) xsMap.item (i);
    processXSTypeDef (xsTDef);

  // process top-level element declarations
  xsMap = xsModel.getComponents (XSConstants.ELEMENT_DECLARATION);
  for (int i = 0; i < xsMap.getLength(); i ++)
    XSElementDeclaration xsElementDecl = (XSElementDeclaration) xsMap.item (i);
    processXSElementDecl (xsElementDecl);

 * Process type definition
private void processXSTypeDef (XSTypeDefinition xsTDef)
  switch (xsTDef.getTypeCategory())
    case XSTypeDefinition.SIMPLE_TYPE:

      processXSSimpleType ((XSSimpleTypeDefinition) xsTDef);

    case XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE:

      XSComplexTypeDefinition xsCTDef = (XSComplexTypeDefinition) xsTDef;

      // element's attributes
      XSObjectList xsAttrList = xsCTDef.getAttributeUses();
      for (int i = 0; i < xsAttrList.getLength(); i ++)
        processXSAttributeUse ((XSAttributeUse) xsAttrList.item (i));

      // element content
      switch (xsCTDef.getContentType())
        case XSComplexTypeDefinition.CONTENTTYPE_EMPTY:


        case XSComplexTypeDefinition.CONTENTTYPE_SIMPLE:

          parseValueType (xsCTDef.getSimpleType());

        case XSComplexTypeDefinition.CONTENTTYPE_ELEMENT:

          processXSParticle (xsCTDef.getParticle());

        case XSComplexTypeDefinition.CONTENTTYPE_MIXED:

          processXSParticle (xsCTDef.getParticle());


   * Process particle
  private void processXSParticle (XSParticle xsParticle)
    XSTerm xsTerm = xsParticle.getTerm();
    switch (xsTerm.getType())
      case XSConstants.ELEMENT_DECLARATION:

        processXSElementDecl ((XSElementDeclaration) xsTerm);

      case XSConstants.MODEL_GROUP:

        // this is one of the globally defined groups 
        // (found in top-level declarations)

        XSModelGroup xsGroup = (XSModelGroup) xsTerm;

        // it also consists of particles
        XSObjectList xsParticleList = xsGroup.getParticles();
        for (int i = 0; i < xsParticleList.getLength(); i ++)
          processXSParticle ((XSParticle) xsParticleList.item (i));


      case XSConstants.WILDCARD:


关于xml - XS型号 : getting model group information,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19745906/


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