c# - C# 中的简单 XML 读取不起作用

标签 c# xml

这是我试图从中读取的 XML:


    <text>You tire has a hole.</text>
    <answer cost="50">patch it</answer>
    <answer cost="100">replace it</answer>
    <answer cost="0">use your spare tire</answer>

    <text>It's your friend's birthday, everyone's going out to a fancy restaurant.</text>
    <answer cost="60">go to the restaurant</answer>
    <answer cost="30">go to the restaurant, but order something really cheap</answer>
    <answer cost="0">don't go</answer>

    <text>Your winter coat's zipper is damaged. Replacing it is costly.</text>
    <answer cost="50">replace it</answer>
    <answer cost="0">leave it like that</answer>


    while (reader.Read())
                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "text")


                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "answer")

                            anEvent.costs[anEvent.costs.Length - 1] = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("cost"));
                            anEvent.choices[anEvent.choices.Length - 1] = reader.ReadInnerXml();

                            Array.Resize(ref anEvent.choices, anEvent.choices.Length + 1);
                            Array.Resize(ref anEvent.costs, anEvent.costs.Length + 1);

                            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Name == "event")

                                anEvent = new Event();

不知何故,程序永远不会进入最后一个 if 语句。证明,消息框“测试”从未运行过。其他一切都很好。数组大小调整也很好(我在它后面放了一个消息框,看看程序是否到达那里)。你们能指出错误吗?

好吧,我在 Adam 的回答的帮助下解决了这个问题。这是代码

XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("dentist_events.xml");
        bool isNotFirst = false;

        while (reader.Read())
            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "text")
                if (isNotFirst)
                    Array.Resize(ref anEvent.choices, anEvent.choices.Length - 1);
                    Array.Resize(ref anEvent.costs, anEvent.costs.Length - 1);

                    anEvent = new Event();
                    anEvent.eventText = reader.ReadInnerXml();
                    anEvent.eventText = reader.ReadInnerXml();

            else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "answer")
                isNotFirst = true;

                anEvent.costs[anEvent.costs.Length - 1] = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("cost"));
                anEvent.choices[anEvent.choices.Length - 1] = reader.ReadInnerXml();

                Array.Resize(ref anEvent.choices, anEvent.choices.Length + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref anEvent.costs, anEvent.costs.Length + 1);

        Array.Resize(ref anEvent.choices, anEvent.choices.Length - 1);
        Array.Resize(ref anEvent.costs, anEvent.costs.Length - 1);


ReadInnerXml() 导致内容被消耗;这就是为什么您什么都看不到的原因。

除非 xml 很大,否则我会向 XmlReader 推荐几乎任何其他 xml 处理 - 它不是为随意使用而设计的。建议:

  • XmlSerializer(将数据加载到类型化对象中)
  • XmlDocument(将数据加载到 DOM 中)
  • XDocument(相同,但使用 LINQ-to-XML)

要使用 XmlSerializer 执行此操作:

public class Events {
    public List<Event> Items {get;set;}
public class Answer {
    public int Cost {get;set;}
    public string Text {get;set;}
public class Event {
    public List<Answer> Answers {get;set;}
    public string Text {get;set;}

然后您可以使用 new XmlSerializer(typeof(Events)) 来填充完全类型化的模型。

关于c# - C# 中的简单 XML 读取不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7845347/


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