php - 使用 XMLReader 在 PHP 中验证 SVG 文件

标签 php xml svg xmlreader xml-validation

我正在根据 SVG 规范验证 SVG 文档(我认为该文档有效)。我在 PHP 中使用 XMLReader,并且宁愿坚持使用 XMLReader,因为我将在其他地方使用 XMLReader;也就是说,如果有其他基于流的阅读器可以更轻松/更好地完成此操作,请告诉我。


    // Set some values for the purpose of this example
    $this->path = '/Users/jon/Development/Personal/Visualised/master/test-assets/import-png.svg';
    $xsdPath = '/Users/jon/Development/Personal/Visualised/master/test-assets/xsd/SVG.xsd';

    $reader = new XMLReader();
    $valid = $reader->setSchema($xsdPath);

好的,我的 xsd 文件夹中的 XSD 文件是:

解析器似乎从第一个 XSD 导入第二个和第三个 XSD - 我希望所有依赖项都存储在磁盘上,而不是从互联网检索。


    XMLReader::setSchema(): Element '{}import': Skipping import of schema located at '/Users/jon/Development/Personal/Visualised/master/test-assets/xsd/xml.xsd' for the namespace '', since this namespace was already imported with the schema located at ''. in /Users/jon/Development/Personal/Visualised/master/lib/Visualised/Document.php on line 45

    Warning: XMLReader::setSchema(): Element '{}attribute': The attribute 'type' is not allowed. in /Users/jon/Development/Personal/Visualised/master/lib/Visualised/Document.php on line 45

    Warning: XMLReader::setSchema(): Element '{}attribute': The attribute 'type' is not allowed. in /Users/jon/Development/Personal/Visualised/master/lib/Visualised/Document.php on line 45

    Warning: XMLReader::setSchema(): Element '{}attribute': The attribute 'type' is not allowed. in /Users/jon/Development/Personal/Visualised/master/lib/Visualised/Document.php on line 45

    Warning: XMLReader::setSchema(): Unable to set schema. This must be set prior to reading or schema contains errors. in /Users/jon/Development/Personal/Visualised/master/lib/Visualised/Document.php on line 45

似乎我在某处导入了错误版本的架构 - 我只是通过网络搜索找到了所有 XSD 文档。有什么想法吗?


$reader = new XMLReader();
$valid = $reader->setSchema($xsdPath);

-- 一些初始警告消失了,但我仍然收到无法设置架构


您链接到的 SVG XSD 文件来自 SVG 1.1 的旧工作草案版本。目前 SVG 1.1 没有正式支持的 XML 模式。请参阅this answer了解更多详情。

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