python - 没有在 python 中正确解析嵌套的 xml 标签

标签 python xml lxml elementtree

我在 python 中处理 XML 文件。我有一个包含多种语言的句子的数据集,其结构如下:

  <sentence id="0">
    <text lang="de">...</text>
    <text lang="en">...</text>
    <text lang="fr">...</text>
    <!-- Other languages -->
      <annotation lang="de">...</annotation>
      <annotation lang="en">...</annotation>
      <annotation lang="fr">...</annotation>
      <!-- Other languages -->
  <sentence id="1">
    <!-- Other sentence -->
  <!-- Other sentences -->


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('samplefile2.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for sentence in root:
  if sentence.tag == 'sentence':
    for txt in sentence:
      if txt.tag == 'text':
        if txt.attrib['lang'] != 'en':
      if txt.tag == 'annotations':
        for annotation in txt:
          if annotation.attrib['lang'] != 'en':

但是好像只在text属性层面起作用,在annotation属性层面不起作用。我什至尝试用增量索引 root[s]、root[s][t]、root[s][t ][a],但是排序没有效果。此外,我提供的 python 代码在 xml 文件中随机插入(老实说,我不知道这是否有助于解决这个问题)像 δημι 这样的字符串;ουργία



如果您能够使用 lxml,我认为使用 xpath 会更容易...

XML 输入 (input.xml)

  <sentence id="0">
    <text lang="de">...</text>
    <text lang="en">...</text>
    <text lang="fr">...</text>
    <!-- Other languages -->
      <annotation lang="de">...</annotation>
      <annotation lang="en">...</annotation>
      <annotation lang="fr">...</annotation>
      <!-- Other languages -->
  <sentence id="1">
    <!-- Other sentence -->
  <!-- Other sentences -->


from lxml import etree

target_lang = "en"

tree = etree.parse("input.xml")

# Match any element that has a child that has a lang attribute with a value other than
# target_lang. We need this element so we can remove the child from it.
for parent in tree.xpath(f".//*[*[@lang != '{target_lang}']]"):
    # Match the children that have a lang attribute with a value other than target_lang.
    for child in parent.xpath(f"*[@lang != '{target_lang}']"):
        # Remove the child from the parent.


XML 输出 (output.xml)

  <sentence id="0">
    <text lang="en">...</text>
    <!-- Other languages -->
      <annotation lang="en">...</annotation>
      <!-- Other languages -->
  <sentence id="1">
    <!-- Other sentence -->
  <!-- Other sentences -->

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