php - 使用 youtube api 显示 subscriberCount - xmlns 解析

标签 php xml wordpress


我想使用它的 api 显示 youtube 订阅者。 但无法使用 php 获取 subscriberCount。

这是 api 链接:


    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><entry xmlns='' xmlns:media='' xmlns:gd='' xmlns:yt=''><id></id><published>2009-05-22T10:57:17.000-07:00</published><updated>2011-12-07T19:45:47.000-08:00</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><category scheme='' term='Musician'/><title type='text'>worshipuk</title><content type='text'>'Worship make brilliantly moody, haunting music. Soaring vocals and tense, synth-laden atmospherics combine with subtle rhythmic complexities, creating very mood driven, dark and broody sounds with bursts of light. A new project, the band spent a month of writing and recording (self-producing) at a small residential studio in Norway. A bright, if slightly dark future, awaits.' - RockFeedback</content><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=''/><link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='related' type='text/html' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><author><name>worshipuk</name><uri></uri></author><yt:age>110</yt:age><yt:description>'Worship make brilliantly moody, haunting music. Soaring vocals and tense, synth-laden atmospherics combine with subtle rhythmic complexities, creating very mood driven, dark and broody sounds with bursts of light. A new project, the band spent a month of writing and recording (self-producing) at a small residential studio in Norway. A bright, if slightly dark future, awaits.' - RockFeedback</yt:description><gd:feedLink rel='' href='' countHint='2'/><gd:feedLink rel='' href='' countHint='0'/><gd:feedLink rel='' href=''/><gd:feedLink rel='' href=''/><gd:feedLink rel='' href='' countHint='0'/><gd:feedLink rel='' href='' countHint='3'/><gd:feedLink rel='' href=''/><yt:firstName>Worship</yt:firstName><yt:gender>m</yt:gender><yt:location>GB</yt:location><yt:statistics lastWebAccess='2011-11-10T03:33:40.000-08:00' subscriberCount='62' videoWatchCount='0' viewCount='1653' totalUploadViews='25141'/><media:thumbnail url=''/><yt:username>worshipuk</yt:username></entry>

我正在使用此 php 代码解析此 xml 结果以获取 subscriberCount:62

$det = simplexml_load_file('');

echo "<pre>";

如何使用 php 通过此 api 获取 subscriberCount?


我也有同样的问题。使用下面的代码我确定你得到了你的 subscriberCount。

$name = 'worshipuk'; 
$url   = ''. urlencode($name).'?alt=json'; 
$json  = @file_get_contents($url); // Naughty @-operator, use proper error handling 
$data  = json_decode($json, TRUE); 
$count = (int) $data['entry']['yt$statistics']['subscriberCount']; 

echo $count;  

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