开发中的 Docker 与 Rocket

标签 docker containers rocket

为什么我应该考虑在我们的开发管道中使用 Rocket 而不是 Docker。我们想使用 docker 创建可测试的容器,但现在有 Rocket 假装知道同样的事情。如果我们想开始容器化,我们是否应该认真考虑 Rocket,因为它似乎还很新?


更新:来自 https://coreos.com/blog/app-container-and-the-open-container-project/

As we participate in OCP, our primary goals are as follows:

  • Users should be able to package their application once and have it work with any container runtime (like Docker, rkt, Kurma, or Jetpack)
  • The standard should fulfill the requirements of the most rigorous security and production environments
  • The standard should be vendor neutral and developed in the open


Rocket 正式死亡:https://github.com/rkt/rkt/issues/4024


podman 提供无根容器。 Docker 努力争取了很长时间的东西(根据下面的评论,他们终于做到了)。

关于开发中的 Docker 与 Rocket,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32310372/


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