python - 使用 python 的 lxml 剥离内联标签

标签 python xml tags lxml

我必须处理 xml 文档中的两种内联标签。第一种类型的标签包含我想保留在中间的文本。我可以用 lxml 处理这个问题

etree.tostring(element, method="text", encoding='utf-8')




我认为 strip_tagsstrip_elements在每种情况下都是您想要的。例如,这个脚本:

from lxml import etree

text = "<x>hello, <z>keep me</z> and <y>ignore me</y>, and here's some <y>more</y> text</x>"

tree = etree.fromstring(text)

print etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)

# Remove the <z> tags, but keep their contents:
etree.strip_tags(tree, 'z')

print '-' * 72
print etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)

# Remove all the <y> tags including their contents:
etree.strip_elements(tree, 'y', with_tail=False)

print '-' * 72
print etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)


<x>hello, <z>keep me</z> and <y>ignore me</y>, and
here's some <y>more</y> text</x>

<x>hello, keep me and <y>ignore me</y>, and
here's some <y>more</y> text</x>

<x>hello, keep me and , and
here's some  text</x>

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