xml - 使用 xpath 从 postgres 中的 XML 列中提取数据

标签 xml postgresql xpath xml-parsing


create table temp.promotions_xml(id serial promotion_xml xml);

我已将以下数据插入到 temp.promotions 中:

<promotions xmlns="http://www.demandware.com/xml/impex/promotion/2008-01-31">
    <campaign campaign-id="2013-1st-semester-jet-giveaways">
        <description>2013 1st Semester Jet Giveaways</description>
            <customer-group group-id="Everyone"/>




FWIW,我们使用的是 Postgres 9.0.4。


select xpath('/promotions/campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('./promotions/campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('promotions/campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('///description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('//description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('.//description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('./campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('//campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml



WITH tbl(p_xml) AS (  -- CTE just to provide test table with xml value
   SELECT '<promotions xmlns="http://www.demandware.com/xml/impex/promotion/2008-01-31">
              <campaign campaign-id="2013-1st-semester-jet-giveaways">
                 <description>2013 1st Semester Jet Giveaways</description>
                    <customer-group group-id="Everyone"/>
    )  -- end of CTE, the rest is the solution
SELECT xpath('/n:promotions/n:campaign/n:description/text()', p_xml
           , '{{n,http://www.demandware.com/xml/impex/promotion/2008-01-31}}')
FROM   tbl;


{"2013 1st Semester Jet Giveaways"}

请注意我如何分配命名空间别名 nthird argument of xpath() 中为您的命名空间并在 xpath 的每个级别使用它。

如果从文档中删除 XML 命名空间,一切都会变得简单得多:

WITH tbl(p_xml) AS (  -- not the missing namespace below
   SELECT '<promotions>
              <campaign campaign-id="2013-1st-semester-jet-giveaways">
                 <description>2013 1st Semester Jet Giveaways</description>
                    <customer-group group-id="Everyone"/>
SELECT xpath('/promotions/campaign/description/text()', p_xml)
FROM   tbl;

<rant>是我还是每个人都对 json and jsonb 感到高兴? ,所以我们不必处理 XML。 </rant>

关于xml - 使用 xpath 从 postgres 中的 XML 列中提取数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17799790/


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