xml - 设置我自己的 XML 命名空间?

标签 xml xml-namespaces

如何设置我自己的 XML 命名空间?



<root xmlns:ns="some_identifier">

ns 和标识符可以是(几乎)任何东西。 See this quote :

What Do Namespace Names Point At?

One of the confusing things about all this is that namespace names are URLs; it's easy to assume that since they're Web addresses, they must be the address of something. They're not; these are URLs, but the namespace draft doesn't care what (if anything) they point at. Think about the example of the XML.com programmer looking for book titles; that works fine without the namespace name pointing at anything.

The reason that the W3C decided to use URLs as namespace names is that they contain domain names (e.g. www.xml.com), which work globally across the Internet.

Wikipedia article信息量也很大。


关于xml - 设置我自己的 XML 命名空间?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5071948/


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